Studio Lease for 21 West Cecil Street

Please Review and then enter your name / email and send a message that you "accept" the terms and the lease is then ratified by At The Hub, LLC


Office Lease for:  At The Hub, LLC

Physical Address:   21 W Cecil Street, Winchester, VA 22601

This document serves as a lease and outlines the basic terms of a proposal to lease and/or lease the subject property, known as

Dedicated Studio with break-room, conference room and Wifi included

 at 21 West Cecil Street, Winchester, VA 22601

Landlord-At The Hub, LLC, 
Managing Members:  Kim W. Craig, Managing Maintenance:  Belen Rios

Tenant:  INSERT YOUR COMPANY _______

and/or Personal NAME HERE___________________________

Lease terms:

_X_Month-to-Month at $385.00 per month STUDIO TEAL

Rent is due on the 1st calendar day of the month.

$10 per day late charge applies if rent is not received by the 5 pm of the 4th of the month.

WAIVED - co-worker prior to leasing__$65.00non-refundable deposit at signing.

_______   Yearly Lease at $_______ per month.

Rent is due on the 1st calendar day of the month.

$10per day late charge applies if rent is not received by 5 p.m. on the 4th of the month.

Commencement date: __________

Termination Notice:  30 day notice requested. 

Tenant's lease to renew is automated monthly with receipt of the rent payment.

NOTE:  Landlord may change the monthly rate with 30days notice on a month-to-month lease.

The following items will be paid for by the landlord indicated:

Property tax - Landlord

Property(casualty) Insurance – landlord (tenant to maintain renter’s insurance optional)

Exterior maintenance - Landlord

HVAC equipment maintenance - Landlord

Interior Maintenance – Landlord but Studio Maintenance is provided by Tenant during tenure

Utilities- Landlord

Yard and weeds – Landlord

Janitorial& Trash - Tenant – Winchester City has trash pick-up on Friday Mornings –trash must be in trash bag and set on curb.

Wi-Fi Password is:  SSID: ATH-Password: atth3Hub! for the Studio Office Space you are renting

Café/Breakroom:  Use is for all tenants at 21 West Cecil Street

Free  Use of conference room – but you must book it via email to and

Use: The premises shall be used only for office / business / meetings /conferences/teaching/community philanthropic events.

Parking:  Parking lot is open to tenants and their customers – also City on-street parking.

GOOD FAITH EFFORT; COOPERATION:  Upon execution of this Letter of Intent and/or lease, the parties agree, that all Studio / Conference Room / Café /Breakroom / Co-Work tenants, will agree to coexist, foster a professional and collaborative atmosphere.

All other terms and conditions shall be as agreed upon between the parties.

Tenant:  ____________________________________________ {Sign Here by typing out your name in reply }

Date: ______________________________________________


_____________________________________________________ < Will reply with my "signature" after receipt of yours >

Kim W. Craig

Doing Business As:


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