Bring your own computer and find a space to work on things in a super hip space designed for business owners and out of town commuters.

Wifi:  Daily Users

SSID: ATH-Tenant

Password: atth3Hub!

Come on in anytime (open 24/7) to work in our shared space.  

$10 per day or $90 per month

There is a stocked snack bar that  is based on the honor system  Eat and drink all you want for $1.00 per item.  

Also: Just two blocks from the walking mall for restaurants of all types and shopping.  

If you need privacy or to jump on a zoom meeting - you can use the conference room as a co-worker.   No additional fee.

To make payment if you drop-in / Honor System on paying:

By Paypal to:

Pay by credit card here at this link:

BONUS - Free parking! 
{ Parking lot & non-metered parking curbside right out front door}

Need help?  Text: 540-550-4086

Two blocks from downtown walking mall  - eat and shop

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