Dedicated Offices @ 21 West Cecil Street
Rates vary from $345 - $500 per month
Dedicated offices have windows and fresh decor in the recently renovated garage to office space. All our tenants are way cool too!
Amenities include your dream office location. Parking right outside the door. Keyless entry for 24/7 access. Breakroom that we stock with goodies for "energy" boost. Free use of conference room which is HIP and meeting ready. Web/Zoom meeting ready too. Printer is in the hallway so you may print as needed.
Only two blocks from our great downtown walking street mall.
Interested? Contact {At The Hub, LLC} - email for more information:
Or Text: 540-550-4086
At The Hub, LLC - email for more information:
Or Text: 540-550-4086
Our simple month-to-month lease - review here:
OfficeLease for: At The Hub, LLC
PhysicalAddress: 21 W Cecil Street, Winchester,VA 22601
Thisdocument serves as a lease and outlines the basic terms of a proposal to leaseand/or lease the subject property, known as
Dedicated Studio with break-room, conference room and Wifi included
at 21 West Cecil Street, Winchester, VA 22601
Landlord-At The Hub, LLC,
Managing Members: Kim W. Craig, ManagingMaintenance: Belen Rios
InvoiceEmail to: {insert youremail address here}
Lease terms:
_X_Month-to-Month at $395.00 per month
Rentis due on the 1st calendar day of the month.
$10 per day late charge applies if rentis not received by the 5 pm of the 4th of the month.
__X__$65.00non-refundable deposit at signing.
_______ YearlyLease at $_______ per month.
Rentis due on the 1st calendar day of the month.
$10per day late charge applies if rent is not received by 5 p.m. on the 4th ofthe month.
Commencementdate: __________
TerminationNotice: 30 day notice requested.
Tenant's lease to renew is automated monthly withreceipt of the rent payment.
NOTE: Landlord may change the monthly rate with 30days notice on a month-to-month lease.
The following items will be paid for by the landlord indicated:
Propertytax - Landlord
Property(casualty) Insurance – landlord (tenant to maintain renter’s insuranceoptional)
Exterior maintenance - Landlord
HVAC equipment maintenance - Landlord
Interior Maintenance – Landlord but Studio Maintenance is provided by Tenant duringtenure
Utilities- Landlord
Yard and weeds – Landlord
Janitorial& Trash - Tenant – Winchester City has trash pick-up on Friday Mornings –trash must be in trash bag and set on curb.
Wi-Fi Password is: SSID: ATH-Password: atth3Hub! for the Studio Office Space you are renting
Café/Breakroom: Use is for all tenants at 21 West Cecil Street
Free Use of conference room – but you must book it via email to and
Use:The premises shall be used only for office / business / meetings /conferences/teaching/community philanthropic events.
Parking: Parking lot is open to tenants and their customers – also City on-street parking.
GOOD FAITH EFFORT; COOPERATION: Uponexecution of this Letter of Intent and/or lease, the parties agree, that all Studio / Conference Room / Café /Breakroom / Co-Work tenants, will agree to coexist, foster a professional andcollaborative atmosphere.
Allother terms and conditions shall be as agreed upon between the parties.
Tenant: ____________________________________________ {Sign Here }
Date: ______________________________________________
KimW. Craig
DoingBusiness As:
BY:_____KimW. Craig / Owner
At The Hub, LLC - you will love it here!
Located at: 21 West Cecil Street, Winchester, VA 22601
Book via email:
Text: 540-550-4086
Pay by credit card here at this link:
BONUS - Free parking!
{ Parking lot & non-metered parking curbside right out front door}
Two blocks from downtown walking mall - eat and shop